Our Ethical Practices
At Lobo Mau, we deeply value community and recognize the significance of giving back. Engaging in volunteering for coalitions, educational endeavors, and community initiatives isn't merely a duty to us; it's ingrained in our identity and principles.

Volunteering for Coalitions, Education, and Community:
All Together Now, Pennsylvania - Lobo Mau is on the steering committee of this organization. All Together Now’s mission is to Unite Pennsylvania’s rural and urban communities to build just, regenerative, and resilient regional economies that are self-reliant in basic needs, in order to increase community wealth and equity, reduce and sequester carbons, and prepare for climate change. Through All Together Now, Lobo Mau hopes to allocate resources to bolster our local supply chain and local industry, advocating for the farming of bast fibers like hemp and flax in Pennsylvania, meanwhile connecting designers to local labor and mills.

Philadelphia Fashion & Garment Industry Task Force
Lobo Mau is on the council of this organization: Philadelphia was once a textile and manufacturing leader in fashion. With this history in mind, PFGITF aids in developing a strategic plan for the re-establishment of Philadelphia as a competitive destination for fashion and apparel. Lobo Mau has advocated getting its community on the map by speaking to the City Council and helping PFGITF procure government funding to improve the local industry.

A large part of how we center our lives around sustainability relies on educating ourselves and our community. Lobo Mau frequently hosts sustainability panels composed of industry experts, as well as community-based events that raise awareness for like-minded nonprofits and organizations and donate to these organizations. Some organizations we’ve partnered with and donated to are ACLU of PA, Philly Bail Fund, Women’s Way, Fleisher Art Memorial, Career Wardrobe, Books in Homes, and many more.

Local Production and Fair Trade
We produce clothing in a way that is not only better for the planet, but better for the people involved as well. We work with local family-owned mills and our garments are sewn locally, in safe factories, by people who are paid fairly for their work. We want to bring you the best and do so without compromising the well-being of anyone else.